1131 Special Seminars (Fall, 2024) |
Time | 12:10 PM |
Place | Rm. 402, Library, Information and Research Building (圖資大樓4樓402室) |
影片連結 | 系統維修中,本學期影片請見下方表格內連結。 歷年影片教材請向所辦姿祺索取,謝謝! |
Date | Speaker | Topic | Note | ||
2024/09/05 Thu. |
原定行程延至9/19舉行 | ||||
2024/09/12 Thu. |
暫停一次 | ||||
2024/09/19 Thu. |
王聿泰研究員 Yu-Tai Wang (國研院國家高速網路與計算中心National Applied Research Laboratories, National Center for High-performance Computing) |
生物醫學研究者該如何應對人工智慧時代?(How should biomedical researchers deal with the era of artificial intelligence?) | |||
2024/09/26 Thu. |
暫停一次 | ||||
2024/10/03 Thu. |
因颱風影響,本場次延至12/5舉行 (國家衛生研究院群體健康科學研究所Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI) |
2024/10/17 Thu. |
梁恭豪副研究員 Kung-Hao Liang (臺北榮民總醫院醫學研究部Department of Medical Research, Taipei Veterans General Hospital) |
資訊之解構、重構與醫學應用(Information deconstruction, reconstruction and their medical applications) | |||
2024/10/24 Thu. |
期中考週,暫停一次 | ||||
2024/10/31 Thu. |
因颱風影響,本場次延至11/12(二)舉行 (中央研究院統計科學研究所Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica) |
2024/11/07 Thu. |
李健興教授 Chang-Shing Lee 國立臺南大學資訊工程學系(Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National University of Tainan) |
量子計算智慧與生成式人工智慧整合於台語/英語共學(Integrating Quantum CI and Generative AI for Taiwanese/English Co-Learning) | |||
2024/11/12 Tue. |
賴恩語博士 June En-Yu Lai (中央研究院統計科學研究所Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica) |
因果推論,複合性假說檢定,以及全基因組多重中介因子分析(Causal Inference, Composite Test, and Genome-wide Multimediator Analyses) | 地點守仁一樓101教室 | ||
2024/11/14 Thu. |
暫停一次 | ||||
2024/11/21 Thu. |
林英嘉博士 Ying-Jia Lin (國立清華大學資訊工程學系Department of Computer Science, National Tsing Hua University) |
從生醫到資工的跨領域學習(Transfer Learning from Biomedical Sciences to Computer Science) | |||
2024/11/28 Thu. |
李友專教授 Yu-Chuan Li (臺北醫學大學醫學資訊所Graduate Institute of Biomedical Informatics, Taipei Medical University) |
AI醫療大未來 | |||
2024/12/05 Thu. |
邱弘毅特聘研究員兼所長 Hung-Yi Chiou (國家衛生研究院群體健康科學研究所Institute of Population Health Sciences, NHRI) |
健康台灣的理念下大數據應扮演角色 | |||
2024/12/12 Thu. |
原訂行程延至12/19舉行 | ||||
2024/12/18 Wed. |
Dr. Huiru Jane Zheng Dr. Haiying Wang (Computer Science, School of Computing, Ulster University) |
1. Walking Matters: Developing AI-empowered wearable gait training and assessment system 2. Multi-layer network approaches to the analysis of the rumen microbiome |
地點守仁一樓101教室 | ||
2024/12/19 Thu. |
徐建業特聘教授 Chien-Yeh Hsu (國立臺北護理健康大學資訊管理系Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences) |
智慧醫療與健康大數據(Smart Healthcare and Big Data) |
※生科院「週三中午有約」活動:週三中午 12:10~13:15[行程表]
※生科院「生命科學院-生物醫學講座」:週三下午 15:30~17:00[行程表]