Po-Lun Chang


  • 職稱:    教授, 生物醫學資訊研究所 / 院士, 國際健康科學資訊學院(FIAHSI)
  • 學歷:    美國威斯康辛大學工業工程博士
  • 辦公室: 守仁樓三樓 304室
  • 電話:    886-2-28267238
  • Email: polunchang@nycu.edu.tw
  • 個人網頁


  • 決策分析 (Decision Analysis)
  • 專家系統 (Expert System)
  • 成效評估 (Outcome Evaluation)
  • 機動科技(Mobile Technology)
  • 個人資訊(Personal Informatics)
  • 護理資訊(Nursing Informatics)
  • 簡介(Introduction)


1993年取得美國威斯康辛州麥迪森校區(UW-Madison)工業工程(Industrial Engineering)健康系統組(Health System)博士學位。




自2012年起,在大陸積極推動Taiwan TAIGER的成果,指導與協助許多醫院與學校信息能力的養成工作。曾指導過護理信息團隊獲得美國全球首屆「臨床資訊創新獎」的唯一金獎。研究上,專精護理資訊,醫護養長期照護,智慧移動健康平臺,與産業有很好合作互動。指導國內外多家醫院建立傑出護理資訊團隊與人才。目前為臺灣醫學資訊學會理事長。學術發表與著作衆多,爲國際著名護理信息學專家。


  • Journal Publications  (*Correspondence)1. *郭明娟,張博論.從美國TIGER護理資訊教育運動-反思台灣臨床護理資訊能力之發展策略,領導護理2012;13(2):12-18.
    2. Hou IC, *Chang P, Chan HY, Dykes PC. A Modified Delphi Translation Strategy and Challenges of International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNPR), IJMI. 2012 (Accepted). (SCI)
    3. Long AJ, *Chang P. The effect of using the Health Smart Card vs. CPOE reminder system on the prescribing practices of non-obstetric physicians during outpatient visits for pregnant women in Taiwan, IJMI. 2012;81(9):605-611. (SCI)
    4. Kuo MC, *Chang P, Feng RC, Westra B, Ball M. From Passion to Excellence: National NI Movement in Taiwan. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 2012;30(5):234 – 236. (SCI)
    5. Huang F, *Chang P. The feasibility of building a self-report component for the Taiwan version of MDS-NH. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2011;20(4):39-51.
    6. *張博論.加護病房資訊系統發展成功的關鍵因素.榮總護理.2011;28(3):219-223.
    (*Chang P. Critical success factors to develop intensive care unit information system. VGH Nursing. 2011;28(3):219-223.)
    7. 黃品甄,盧小玨,*張博論.護理紀錄語料及辭典建置之研究與應用於語音辨識之可行性評估.醫療資訊雜誌﹒2011;20(2):25-35.
    (Huang PJ, Lu SJ, *Chang P. Building a routine nursing records corpus, lexicon and its application in the speech recognition. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2011;20(2):25-35.)
    8. *Chang P, Hsu CL, Liou YM, Kuo YY, Lan CF. Design and development of interface design principles for complex documentation using PDAs. CIN-Computers Informatics Nursing. 2011;29(3):174-183.(SCI)
    9. 方麗萍,*張博論.行政院衛生署得獎優良健康網站於入口網站能見度探討.醫療資訊雜誌﹒2010;19(4):35-43.
    (Fang LP, *Chang P. The Visibility of Award-winning Health Websites on Search Engines. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2010;19(4):35-43.)
    10. Chien LY, *Liou YM, Chang P. Low defecation frequency in Taiwanese adolescents: Association with dietary intake, physical activity and sedentary behaviour. Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2011 Jun;47(6):381-6. (SCI)
    11. 張翠容,涂明香,*張博論. 護理人員自建護理紀錄系統之初探: 以Kardex為例.源遠護理.2010;4(1): 21-30.
    (Chang TJ, Tu MH,*Chang P. The Pilot Study of Nurse’s Self-developing Documentation System:Kardex End-user Computing System. Yuan-Yuan Nursing. 2010;4(1):21-30.)
    12. *Dykes PC, Caligtan C, Chang P. Current applications and future trends in nursing informatics in the United States of America. Chinese Nursing Management. 2010;10(5):15-18.
    13. *Chang P, Huang FP, Lai ML. The feasibility of using classification and identification techniques to auto-assess the quality of health information on the web. J Kor Soc Med Informatics. 2009;15(3):247-254.
    14. 戴辛翎,林秀雯,張瓊洙,林淑愛,柯素惠,*張博論.護理人員自建資訊系統之歷程研究-以血液透析室為例.榮總護理.2009;26(3):244-253.
    (Tai HL, Lin HW, Chang CC, Lin SA, Ko SH, *Chang P. Nurses developing an end-user-computing process research of information system-taking the hemodialysis nursing information system as an example. VGH Nursing. 2009;26(3):244-253.)
    15. Chang HJ, *Chang P. The development of a quality-and-multimedia-based health web information searching tool. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;146:286-90.
    16. *Chang P, Hsu CL, Lan CF. Is PDA good for complex documentation in healthcare? Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;146:115-20.
    17. Hou IC, Liu CW, Hsu CL, *Chang P. The evaluation of using road-map guided Excel VBA training to promote nursing informatics in Taiwan. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;146:253-7.
    18. Liu CW, Hou IC, Tu MH, *Chang P. An empirical study of end-user computing strategy in promoting the nursing informatics in Taiwan. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2009;146:641-5.
    19. *Chang P, Hsu CL, Hou IC, Tu MH, Liu CW. The end user computing strategy of using Excel VBA in promoting nursing informatics in Taiwan. Perspectives in Nursing Science. The Research Institute of Nursing Science, Seoul National University, South Korea. 2008;5(1):45-58.
    20. Long AJ, *Chang P, Li YC, Chiu WT. The use of a CPOE log for the analysis of physicians’ behavior when responding to drug-duplication reminders. International Journal of Medical Informatics. 2008;77(8):499-506. (SCI)
    21. *Chang P, Sheng YH, Sang YY, Wang DW. Developing a wireless speech- and touch-based intelligent comprehensive triage support system. CIN-Computers Informatics Nursing. 2008;26(1):31-8. (SCI)
    22. Kao WF, Shyu CL, Wang XW, Hsu TF, Chen JJ, Kao WC, Chang P, Huang YJ, Kuo FC, Huang CI, Lee CH. Athletic performance and serial weight changes during 12- and 24-hour ultra-marathons. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine. 2008;18(2):155-158. (SCI)
    23. *劉影梅、陳美燕、蔣立琦、簡莉盈、張博論、洪永泰.促進學生健康體位之全國性整合計畫經驗.護理雜誌.2007;54(5):30-6.
    (*Liou YM, Chen MY, Chiang LC, Chien LY, Chang P, Hung YT. Experiences of a nation-wide integrated program for healthy body weight among students. The Journal of Nursing. 2007;54(5):30-6.)
    24. Jian WS, Hsu CY, Hao TH, Wen HC, Hsu MH, Li YC, *Chang P. Building a portable data and information interoperability infrastructure-Framework for a Standard Taiwan electronic medical record template. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2007;88(2):102-11. (SCI)
    25. 魏聰佑、韓紹禮、嚴逢彬、曾文憲、*張博論、李偉強.自動化電話聯繫病友服務系統之先導研究:以脊髓損傷病友為例.台灣復健醫誌.2008;36(1):15-27.
    (Wei TY, Han SL, Tseng WH, Yan FB, Chan KY, *Chang P, Lee WK. A pilot trial of a telephone-linked patient service system: spinal cord injury patients as an example. Taiwan Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 2008;36(1):15-27.)
    26. 許嘉容、*張博論. 關聯圖形化之健康網站資訊呈現技術應用:以SARS網站資訊查詢與呈現為例﹒醫療資訊雜誌﹒2007;16(3):1-14.
    (Hsu CJ, *Chang P. Applying the graphical relational representation technique to represent healthcare web information: taking the query and representation of SARS web Information as an example. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2007;16(3):1-14.)
    27. 佘建成、*張博論.RFID暨PDA臨床路徑患者照護及護理交班輔助系統之開發. 醫療資訊雜誌.2007;16(1):33-46.
    (She CC, *Chang P. Developing a RFID-and-PDA-based Nursing Shift Support System for Caring Clinical-Pathway In-Patients. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2007;16(1)33-46.)
    28. 劉碩琦、*張博論、許巧玲、賴湘芬. 從學校護理資訊教育課程看護理資訊能力之建立.醫療資訊雜誌.2007;16(1):79-91.
    (Liu SC, *Chang P, Hsu CL, Lai HF. From Analyzing the Nursing Informatics Courses in Schools to Improving the Nursing Informatics Competencies. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2007;16(1):79-91)
    29. 陳慧敏、廖又生、*張博論、楊錦洲、陳文鍾.使用者自建模式型醫院救護車派車輔助系統之開發與評估.台灣醫務管理雜誌.2007;8(1):16-38.
    (Chen HM, Liao YS, *Chang P, Yang CC, Chen WJ. Developing and Evaluating an End-User-Computing Ambulance Dispatching Support System. Journal of Healthcare Management. 2007;8(1):16-38)
    30. 翁新惠、鄭詩慈、黃昱瞳、*張博論.護理人員自行開發之自動排班系統使用成效評估. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2006;15(4):71-80.
    (Wung SH, Cheng ST, Huang YT, *Chang P. Evaluating a Nurse Self-developed Automatic Scheduling Support System. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2006;15(4):71-80.)
    31. 侯宜菁、*張博論、劉碩琦. Excel進階技術應用於開發護理人員開發護理資訊系統之研究. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2006;15(3):73-84.
    (Hou IC, *Chang P, Liu SC. Applying Advanced Excel Techniques in Nursing. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2006;15(3):73-84.)
    32. *Chang P, Sheng YH, Sang YY, Wang DW, Hsu YS, Hou IC. Developing and Evaluating a Wireless Speech-and-touch-based Interface for an Intelligent Comprehensive Triage Support Systems. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:693-7.
    33. Hsiao FY, Chang P. Intelligent mobile voice information centre system: Taking the emergency triage support system as an example. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:664-8.
    34. Hou IC, Chang P, Wang TY. Qualitative analysis of end user computing strategy and experiences in promoting nursing informatics in Taiwan. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:613-5.
    35. Liu SC, Chang P, Huang F, Hou IC. Attitudes of nurses towards End-user Development. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:565-9.
    36. Huang F, Liu SC, Shih SM, Tao YH, Wu JY, Jeng SY, Chang P. A Web-based short messaging service system to enhance family-centered surgical patient care. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2006;122:163-6.
    37. Yang CM, Lin HC, Chang P, *Jian WS. Taiwan’s perspective on electronic medical records’ security and privacy protection: Lessons learned from HIPAA. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine. 2006;82(3):277-82.(SCI)
    38. 周幸生、林麗華、曾院美、張博論、*陳玉枝. 護理計畫決策支援系統雛形之建立. 榮總護理. 2006;23(2):147-156.
    (Chou SS, Lin LH, Tzeng YM, Chang P, *Chen YC. Development of the Nursing Care Plan Decision Support System. VGH Nursing. 2006;23(2):147-156.)
    39. 唐千惠、*張博論. 健康照護入口網站建置支援系統之開發:以糖尿病照護為例. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2006;15(2):71-95.
    (Tang CH, *Chang P. Development of a Health Care Portal Building Toolkit:A Case of Diabetes Health Management Portal. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2006;15(2):71-95.)
    40. Jian WS, Hsu CY, Liu MC, *Chang P, Wen HC, Hao TH, Li YC.制定及推動電子病歷內容基本格式之研究. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics.2005:14:1-10.
    (Jian WS, Hsu CY, Liu MC, *Chang P, Wen HC, Hao TH, Li YC. The development of the Taiwan electronic Medical record Templates. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2005:14:1-10.)
    41. 鄭詩慈、翁新惠、*張博論. 經驗法則式護理人員Excel排班系統之開發. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2005;14(3):45-62.
    (Cheng ST, Wung SH, *Chang P. The Development of a Heuristic-based Excel Scheduling Support System for ICU Nurses. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2005;14(3):45-62.)
    42. *張博論、張國航、龍安靖. 網路元件導向照顧排程系統之開發與應用:以糖尿病照顧為例. 醫護科技學刊. 2005;7(1): 87-105.
    (*Chang P, Chang KH, Long AJ. Developing Component-based Case Management and Workflow Supporting Systems on the Web with Diabetes Case Management as an Example. The Journal of Health Science. 2005;7(1):87-105.)
    43. *張博論、劉玲伶、錢慶文. 經驗法則式主治醫師Excel排班輔助系統之開發. 醫務管理期刊. 2005;6(1):111-130.
    (*Chang P, Liu LL, Chien CW. Developing a Heuristic-based Excel Scheduling Support System for Attending Physicians. Journal of Healthcare Management. 2005;6(1):111-130.)
    44. *Chang P, Hsu YS, Tzeng YM, Sang YY, Hou IC, Kao WF. The Development of Intelligent, Triage-based, Mass-Gathering Emergency Medical Service PDA Support Systems. Journal of Nursing Research. 2004;12(3):227-236.
    45. 曾院美、陳世欣、*張博論、陳玉枝、桑潁潁. 急診檢傷護理評估專家輔助系統之評價. 榮總護理.2004;21(3):309-319.
    (Tzeng YM, Chen SS, *Chang P, Chen YC, Sang YY. The User-acceptance Evaluation of Wireless Triage PDA Expert Support System. VGH Nursing. 2004;21(3):309-319.)
    46. 劉碩琦、吳肖琪、蕭芳瑩、*張博論、許嘉容. 以衛生署2002年網站評獎活動結果分析台灣健康網站品質現況與發展. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;13(2): 1-10.
    (Liu SC, Wu SC, Hsiao FY, *Chang P, Xu JR. The Evaluation of Quality of Healthcare Web sites in Taiwan: the report from the DOH’s 2002 Healthcare Web Site Award. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;13(2):1-10.)
    47. 蕭芳瑩、吳肖琪、劉碩琦、許嘉容、*張博論. 2002年未參加台灣衛生署網站評選之健康網站品質分析. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;13(2): 11-16.
    (Hsiao FY, Wu HC, Liu SC Xu JR, *Chang P. The Quality Analysis of the Non-Award-Program-Enrolled Health Websites in Taiwan in 2002. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;13(2):11-16.)
    48. 簡文山、劉碩琦、邱淑芬、龍安靖、*張博論. 台灣2002年衛生署健康網站評獎活動參與網站之內容建置與安全性技術分析. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;13(2): 17-24.
    (Jian WS, Liu SC, Chu SF, Long AJ, *Chang P. The Technical Analysis of the Content Components and Web Security for the 2002 Health-Web-Award-Program Enrolled Sites in Taiwan. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;13(2):17-24.)
    49. *張博論、柯柏光、沈鈺翔. 條碼之動態性應用評估:以急診胸痛臨床路徑管理為例. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;13(3): 23-36.
    (*Chang P, Ke PK, Sheng YH. The Evaluation of The Dynamic Use of Bar Code: Taking the Clinical Pathway Management of the Chest Pain Patients in Emergency Department as an Example. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;13(3):23-36.)
    50. *張博論、梁燕青. 支援中文化Arden Syntax編輯器之開發. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;13(1): 39-66.
    (*Chang P, Liang YC. The Development of Chinese Arden Syntax Editor. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;13(1):39-66.)
    51. *Chang P. Tzeng YM, Wu SC, Sang YY, Chen SH. Development and Comparison of User Acceptance of Advanced Comprehensive Triage PDA Support System with a Traditional Terminal Alternative System. American Medical Informatics Association 2003 Symposium Proceeding; 140-144.
    52. Long AJ, Liu CT, *Chang P. An Open Source Intelligent HL7 Agent for Integrating Laboratory Information. Journal of Information Technology in Medicine. 2003;1(5): 357-368.
    53. Long AJ, *Chang P, Wang DW, Li YC. A Long March to Implement the Legally Accepted Electronic Medical Record in Taiwan. Journal of Korean Society of Medical Informatics. 2003;9(2): p375-378.
    54. *張博論、湯進聖、劉惠文、王森全. 醫囑藥物交互作用提示及回饋管理輔助系統之開發與初步評估. 台灣臨床藥學雜誌. 2003;11(1):57-74.
    (*Chang P, Tang JS, Liu HW, Wang SC. The Development and Preliminary Evaluation Results of Feedback-based Hospital Drug Interaction Alert System. Formosa Journal of Clinical Pharmacy. 2003;11(1):57-74.)
    55. 龍安靖、劉建財、*張博論、許明輝、李友專、簡文山、劉碩琦.可調式文本型電子病歷輸入系統. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2004;17: 1-16.
    (Long AJ, Liu CT, *Chang P, Hsu MH, Li YC, Jian WS, Liu SC. Adaptive Entry System for Electronic Medical Record. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2004;17:1-16.)
    56. *張博論、曾院美、桑潁潁. 急診護理完整暨智慧型檢傷無線PDA 輔助系統之開發.護理雜誌. 2003;50(4):152-61.
    (*Chang P, Tzeng YM, Sang YY. The Development of Wireless PDA Support Systems for Comprehensive and Intelligent Triage in Emergency Nursing. The Journal of Nursing. 2003;50(4):152-61.)
    57. *Chang P, Wu SC, Chou P, Chang HJ, He CM, Chang YC. Development of the PDA Support Systems for Community Preventive Medicine Services. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering. 2003;23(1):45-51.
    58. *張博論、廖玉里、吳肖琪. 網路服務技術之進階應用-以使用者導向及HL7 為基礎之智慧型聯合掛號網路服務系統開發為例. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2003;16:57-82.
    (*Chang P, Liao YL, Wu SC. The Advanced Application of Web Services Techniques: Taking the Development of an User-Oriented-and-HL7-based Intelligent Universal Registry Web Services as an Example. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2003;16:57-82.)
    59. 魏立民、張博論、郭旭崧、*吳肖琪. 醫院對於推動健保IC 卡配合意願及因應策略之研究. 醫療資訊雜誌. 2003;16: 105-113.
    (Wei E, *Chang P, Kuo HS, Wu SC. The Attitudes and Reacting Strategies of Hospitals on Participating in the National Health Insurance IC Card Pilot Project in Taiwan. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2003;16:105-113.)
    60. *張博論、曾院美、吳肖琪、桑潁潁. 「3+1」�有楫嶆·DA畫面組織與呈現設計方法.醫療資訊雜誌. 2002; 15:17-32.
    (*Chang P, Tzeng YM, Wu SC, Sang YY. The 3+1 Snow-crystal-like information Representation Approach�� for the PDA-based Applications. The Journal of Taiwan Association for Medical Informatics. 2002;15:17-32.)
    61. *張博論、吳肖琪、周碧瑟、何捷民. PDA 在社區醫學應用之實證研究.台灣衛誌. 2002; 21: 27-35.
    (*Chang P, Wu SC, Chou P, He CM. Empirical study of the use of PDA in community medicine. Taiwan Journal of Public Health. 2002;21:27-35.)
  • Conference Oral Papers/Posters
    1. Chang HJ, *Chang P. The development of a quality-and-multimedia-based health web information searching tool. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Oral)
    2. *Chang P, Hsu CL, Lan CF. Is PDA good for complex documentation in healthcare? The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Oral)
    3. Hou IC, Liu CW, Hsu CL, *Chang P. The evaluation of using road-map guided Excel VBA training to promote nursing informatics in Taiwan. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Oral)
    4. Liu CW, Hou IC, Tu MH, *Chang P. An empirical study of end-user computing strategy in promoting the nursing informatics in Taiwan. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Oral)
    5. Huang PJ, *Chang P. The feasibility study of building a routine nursing records corpus, lexicon and its applications in the speech recognition. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Oral)
    6. Tu MH, *Chang P. Developing a cost-effective home care management support system for small nursing homes in Taiwan. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    7. Fang LP, *Chang P. The quality report of national ever-awarded helth websites in Taiwan. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    8. Lai HF, *Chang P. What makes nurses perveive differently on the usability of same system? The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    9. Lin CJ, *Chang P. Who attended the NI training programs in Taiwan? The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    10. Hsu CL, Chang ML, *Chang P. Analysis of the gap between nurses’ expectations and satisfaction on a home-made discharge planning system. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    11. Kuo MC, *Chang P. Developing a Visualized Patient-centered, Flow-based and Objective-oriented Care Path of Cardiac CATH Examination. The 10th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2009), Helsinki, Finland, 2009. (Poster)
    12. Chang P, Kuo MC. A simple and useful solution for visualizing the care flow for patients and healthcare professionals. American Medical Informatics Association 2008 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
    13. Hsiao FY, Kuo YY, Chang P, Hsu CE. The development of integrated mobile-based home care support systems: MDS-HC as an example. American Medical Informatics Association 2008 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
    14. Hsiao FY, Chang P, Hsu CE. Information disparities of Taiwan’s health web sites by spatial variation. American Medical Informatics Association 2008 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2008.
    15. 涂明香, 張博論. 發展簡易可用性設計的評分表與健康網站評分系統的評估. 2008 Nursing Informatics Symposium in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan/ROC, 2008.
    16. Chang P, Hsu CL. Is the quality of our national quality-and-accreditation-label-awarded health websites still good in the non-campaign period? American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007.
    17. Hsu CL, Chang P. Developing an SDK of Usability-engineered Handheld Evaluation Aid. American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007.
    18. Lai HF, Chang P. Developing an Usability-engineered Excel-based Nursing Administrative e-Form Generator information system. American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007.
    19. Lai ML, Chang P. Developing an Automatic Accreditation Support System of health websites. American Medical Informatics Association 2007 Symposium, Chicago, IL, USA, 2007.
    20. Huang FP, Liu SC, Shih SM, Tao YH, Wu JY, Jeng SY, Chang P. The Efficiency of Applying Short Message Service for Surgical Patient’s Families. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    21. Hsu CL, Kuo YY, Chang P. Using PDA to transform the long MDS-HC evaluation form into a favored system. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007. (nominated for best poster)
    22. Huang YC, Tseng WH, Chang P. Developing A Paper-based Surviving Sepsis Campaign Guidelines Compliance Support and Outcome Predicted System. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    23. Li PY, Chang HJ, Huang DJ, Chang P. Developing a Health Information Integrated Web Service With a concept of “Mash up”. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    24. Lai ML, Chang P. Automatic Appraisal System. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    25. Lin CH, Phay KW, Hsy YH, Chang P. The Convergence of Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics : Bibliometric analysis of health informatics research 1991-2005. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    26. Hou IC, Chang P, Chien K, Liu SC, Yu HC, Huang YJ. Web2.0 in Building Nursing Information Portal. Medinfo 2007, Brisbane, Australia, August 20-24, 2007.
    27. Chang P, Hou IC, Hsu CL, Lai HF. Are Google or Yahoo a good portal for getting quality healthcare web information? American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    28. Huang F, Liu SC, Shih SM, Tao YH, Wu JY, Jeng SY, Chang P. Reducing the anxiety of surgical patient’s families access short message service. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    29. Chang TR, Chang P. User-customizing HIS interface by light programming tool: the case of redesigning the nursing Kardex with InfoPath 2003. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    30. Chen WC, Chang P, Chen LF. Developing a camera-phone-based drug barcode reader and support system. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    31. Chu YC, Jian WS, Yen LP, Chang P. Utilization of multimedia-based prototype system for patient electronic medical record. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    32. Hsiao FY, Kuo YY, Chang P. Developing an intelligent phone-based emergency triage communication and support system. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    33. Lai ML, Chang P. Developing a health web information gatekeeper. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    34. Liang YF, Chu PY, Chang CS, Wang CH, Chang P. Developing and evaluating a simple, spreadsheet-based pathology report extraction system for cancer registrars. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    35. Sheng YH, Chang P. A DSS with dynamically pluggable rules take emergency triage as example. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    36. Sun CC, Chang P. Prediction of unexpected emergency room visit after extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy for urolithiasis-an application of artificial neural network in hospital information system. American Medical Informatics Association 2006 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2006.
    37. Chou CC, Feng RC, Chu YC, Chang P. Evaluation to the informatics system for health promotion management with MedModel simulation project. The 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2006), Seoul, Korea, 2006.
    38. Wung SH, Cheng ST, Chang P. Performance and acceptance evaluation of a self-made excel nurse scheduling supporting system. The 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2006), Seoul, Korea, 2006.
    39. Cheng ST, Wung SH, Chang P. The development of a heuristic-based excel scheduling support system for nurses. The 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2006), Seoul, Korea, 2006.
    40. Feng RC, Chang P. Demands and expectation for the e-learning model in clinical nursing education. The 9th International Congress on Nursing Informatics (NI2006), Seoul, Korea, 2006.
    41. Tseng WH, *Chang P, Ma TH. Building an Integrated OMR-and Paper-based Data Automatic Collection Support System. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. (Oral)
    42. Chen MJ, Chen C, Lan CF, *Chang P. Developing and Pilot Evaluating a Smartphone- and Palm-based Evaluation Support System in Home Care. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. (Oral)
    43. *Chang P, Sheng YH, Wang DW, Hsu YS, Hou IC. A Wireless Speech- and Touch-based Intelligent Comprehensive Triage Support System. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. (Oral)
    44. She CC, Huang PJ, *Chang P. A Patient-identification-oriented Nursing Shift Exchange Support System Using Wireless RFID PDA Techniques. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. (Oral)
    45. Hsiao FY, Lin LW, Chang GH, *Chang P. An Intelligent Mobile Voice Information Center System: Taking the Emergency Triage Support System as an Example. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic. EMBEC ’05, Prague, Czech Republic, 2005. (Oral)
    46. Hou IC, *Chang P. A Feasible Strategy of Promoting Nursing Informatics by End User Computing. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    47. Feng RC, Chu YC, Kuo YY, Chang TR, Chou CC, *Chang P. SIGMA simulation for health promotion management. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    48. Sun CC, *Chang P, Hwang TM. Automatic Appropriateness-Evaluation and Consultation-Suggestion of Antibiotics Usage via Mining of Previous Prescription Data in Hospital Information System. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    49. Chen MJ, Chen C, Kuo YL, Lan CF, *Chang P. Developing and Pilot Evaluating a Smartphone-and-Palm-based Evaluation Support System in Home Care. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    50. Hsu CJ, Lu CL, Chen WC, *Chang P. Application of Graphical Relational Representation Techniques in Healthcare Website: Taking SARS Website Information Query and Representation as an Example. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    51. Huang PJ, She CC, *Chang P. The Development of a Patient-Identification-Oriented Nursing Shift Exchange Support System Using Wireless RFID PDA Techniques. Biomedical and Health Informatics: From foundations to applications to policy. American Medical Informatics Association 2005 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2005.
    52. Ho IC, Huang J, and *Chang P. The Development of Health Support System during SARS Breakout. Building High Performance Health Care Organizations: Biomedical Informatics for Enhancing Health Care, Research, and Education. MedInfo 2004 Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    53. Jian WS, Liu SC, Long AJ, and *Chang P. Construction of Taiwan’s Healthcare Web Site Content and a Technical Analysis of Security – Using Web Sites Participating in the 2002 Web Site Award Sponsored by the DOH as Examples. Building High Performance Health Care Organizations: Biomedical Informatics for Enhancing Health Care, Research, and Education. MedInfo 2004 Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    54. Hsiao FY, *Chang P, Jian WS. A Quality Analysis of Web Sites that Participated and Did Not Participate in the Evaluation Campaign for Taiwan’s Health Web Sites. Building High Performance Health Care Organizations: Biomedical Informatics for Enhancing Health Care, Research, and Education. MedInfo 2004 Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    55. Long AJ, *Chang P. The Development of the Semantic-based Intelligent Interactive Knowledge Architecture for the Health Education: Taking the Health Education for the Diabetics as an Example. Building High Performance Health Care Organizations: Biomedical Informatics for Enhancing Health Care, Research, and Education. MedInfo 2004 Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004.
    56. *Chang P, Hsu YS, Tzeng YM, Huo IC, Yiing-Yiing Sang. Development and Pilot Evaluation of User Acceptance of Advanced Mass-Gathering Emergency Medical Services PDA Support Systems. Building High Performance Health Care Organizations: Biomedical Informatics for Enhancing Health Care, Research, and Education. MedInfo 2004 Symposium, San Francisco, CA, USA, 2004. (Oral)
    57. 沈鈺翔、陳櫻鐙、朱原嘉、*張博論:多模式使用者介面系統之開發:以急診檢傷為例‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學,10/16-17.
    58. 曾文憲、*張博論、馬自恆:整合服務問卷調查系統之核心引擎設計‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學, 10/16-17.
    59. 葉詠雲、*張博論:應用Project 於臨床路徑管理輔助系統之開發:以腹式膽囊切除術為例‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集電子海報, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學, 10/16-17.
    60. 佘建成、*張博論:RFID 暨PDA 臨床路徑患者照護護理交班輔助系統之開發‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集電子海報, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學,10/16-17.
    61. 魏聰祐、曾文憲、*張博論:中介監控代理人軟體整合既有醫療軟體之方法-以診斷輔助智慧型門診系統為例‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集電子海報, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學, 10/16-17.
    62. *張博論、朱原嘉、陳櫻鐙、沈鈺翔:模式使用者介面無線護理資訊系統可用性評估:以急診檢傷為例‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集電子海報, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學, 10/16-17.
    63. 侯宜菁、*張博論、莊寶玉: Excel-based 之系統引導性內科加護病房護理派班流程輔助系統之自助開發‧2004 台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集電子海報, 台灣﹐嘉義:中正大學, 10/16-17.
    64. 梁燕青、*張博論. 支援中文化Arden Syntax編輯器之開發. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    65. 張國航、*張博論. 網路元件式照顧排程系統之開發與應用:以糖尿病為例. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    66. 沈鈺翔、佘建成、張國航、許嘉容、龍安靖、劉碩琦、*張博論. SARS社區追蹤管理輔助系統之開發. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    67. 柯柏光、*張博論. 條碼動態支援急診胸痛臨床路徑管理之可行性研究. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    68. 劉碩琦、吳肖琪、蕭芳瑩、*張博論、許嘉容. 我國健康網站品質現況調查與發展建議:以衛生署91年網站評獎活動結果分析. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集,台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    69. 唐千惠、*張博論. 通用型健康照護入口網站建置系統之開發: 以糖尿病照護為例. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    70. 龍安靖、*張博論、王大為、李友專. 建構台灣合法電子病歷的長征. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄:高雄醫學院, 2003.
    71. 侯宜菁、黃金蓮、*張博論. 醫療照護專業人員SARS期間健康監測通報支援系統之開發. 以病情陳述單協助門診溝通. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    72. 劉碩琦、*張博論. 以病情陳述單協助門診溝通. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    73. 魏聰佑、曾文憲、簡文山、*張博論. 可塑性住院病歷系統結合PDF電子簽章病歷及客戶管理之應用:以署立桃園醫院復健科為例.以資訊科技促進安全之就醫環境. 2003台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐高雄: 高雄醫學院, 2003.
    74. Tang CH, Li CC, Chang GH, *Chang P. Implementing a Personalize Portal combine with Workflow Management Tools—Using in Diabetes Care. Applications. American Medical Informatics Association 2003 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
    75. Liang YC, *Chang P. The Development of Variable MLM Editor and TSQL Translator Based on Arden Syntax in Taiwan. Applications. American Medical Informatics Association 2003 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2003.
    76. *Chang P, Tzeng YM, Wu SC, Sang YY, Chen SS. Development and Comparison of User Acceptance of Advanced Comprehensive Triage PDA Support System with a Traditional Terminal Alternative System. In Mark Musen. Applications. American Medical Informatics Association 2003 Symposium, Washington, DC, USA, 2003. (Oral)
    77. 曾院美、*張博論、桑潁潁、陳世欣. PDA之有用性評估-以醫學中心急診檢傷與護理評估PDA應用為例. 2002台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐台北: 圓山大飯店, 2002.
    78. 梁燕青、*張博論. The Development of Arden-Syntax and PDA-wireless-based Nursing Diagnosis Expert Systems. 2002台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐台北: 圓山大飯店, 2002.
    79. 劉碩琦、*張博論、李惠齡. 我國現階段婦女乳癌防治政策及成本效益模擬評估. 2002台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐台北: 圓山大飯店, 2002.
    80. *張博論. 以智慧型PDA檢傷輔助系統為核心之一般型緊急救護無線支援系統. 2002台灣國際醫學資訊研討會論文集, 台灣﹐台北: 圓山大飯店, 2002.
  • Book Chapters
    1. Chang P, Kuo MC. (2010). Simple Tool, Innovative Mind, Great Solution: New Frontier in Using Personal Productivity Software. In Ball MJ, Hannah KJ, Newbold SK, Douglas JV. (ed.) Nursing Informatics: Where Caring and Technologies Meet. (4th edition). New York, NY, USA: Springer. (Pages to be determined)
    2. Kerr K, Chang P. (2010). Nursing and the EHR in Asia, Australasia and the South Pacific. In Weaver CA, Delaney CW, Weber P, Carr R. (ed.) Nursing and Nursing Informatics the 21st Century: An International Look at Practice, Trends, and the Future, (2nd Edition). Chicago, IL, USA: HIMSS. (Pages to be determined)
    3. Chang P. (2010). Case Study: The Nursing Informatics Renaissance in Taiwan. In Weaver CA, Delaney CW, Weber P, Carr R. (ed.) Nursing and Nursing Informatics the 21st Century: An International Look at Practice, Trends, and the Future, (2nd Edition). Chicago, IL, USA: HIMSS. (Pages to be determined)
    4. 張博論,馮榮莊,盧小玨,郭明娟.(2009). 護理資訊學.載於丁寶芬(主編),醫學資訊學.中國,南京:東華大學出版社. (頁數待決定)
    5. Jian WS, Chang P. The Case of Taiwan on Personal Health Information Management around the World. In Saranto K, Brennan PF, Casey A. (ed.) Personal Health Information Management: Tools and Strategies for Citizens’ Engagement. University of Kuopio, Finland. 2009. p193-6.