第一屆 (2005年畢業) |
姓名 | 指導教授 | 論文題目 |
方羿喬 | 林達顯 | Automatic generation of possible initial structures to assist structural determination by NMR spectroscopy –An application to α/β class protein |
陳孟均 | 蔡世峰 | Single Nucleotide Popymorphism genotyping and a website for genetic studies on human chromosome 4q23-25 region |
鄭正偉 | 楊永正 | Pathway reconstruction by using high-throughput data |
郭啟沐 | 黃明經 | A bioinformatic approach to predict disease associated haplotypes |
林謙德 | 鄒安平 | Regulation of microRNAs(miRNAs)in Hepatocellular carcinoma |
第二屆 (2006年畢業) |
姓名 | 指導教授 | 論文題目 |
高郁傑 | 吳韋納 | Systematic Analysis of Heat Shock Response in Halobacterium sp. NRC-1 |
李伯賢 | 許世宜 | An automatic high-throughput model building pipeline for protein tertiary structures |
謝威翔 | 楊永正 | Bioinformatics Analysis of Expressed Genes in Ganoderma lucidum |
吳欣達 | 楊永正 | Identify disease associated gene by literature mining |
巫孟叡 | 吳韋納 | Integrative Cancer Marker Discovery in Post Genomic Era |
章人勻 | 黃宣誠 | Elucidating the essentiality of essential genes in Escherichia coli K-12 |
鮑岳洋 | 黃宣誠 | In Silico Study of Essential Genes in E. coli Metabolic Network |
張智欽 | 黃宣誠 | Functional Classification and Annotation of Expressed Genes in Normal and White Spot Syndrome Virus Infected Penaues monodon |
廖心宜 | 林達顯 | Automatic generation of possible initial structures to assist structural determination by NMR spectroscopy –An application to β class protein |
楊善淳 | 張傳雄 | Exhaustive Discovery of Escherichia coli K-12 MG1655 Missing Genes Using Comparative Genomics Approaches |
劉家銓 | 黃明經 | Deriving a scoring matrix for mapping protein local structure and sequence |
第三屆 (2007年畢業) |
姓名 | 指導教授 | 論文題目 |
蔡怡璇 | 吳韋納 | Homology Based Translation Start Site Curation Facilitated by Proteomic Analysis |
黃奕綺 | 黃宣誠 | Predicting Essential Genes Based on Network and Sequence Analysis |
林文賢 | 黃明經 | Topological Relationship of Tissue-Specific Genes on Protein-Protein Interaction Networks |
郭政儒 | 鐘翊方 | Using Conditional Random Fields for Gene Mention Tagging |
楊思韻 | 鐘翊方 | Network-based Metabolic Pathway Analysis for Lactococcus lactis IL1403 |
張興霽 | 林文昌 | Construction of Mouse Sense/Antisense Transcript Regulatory Region Database |
林佳鴻 | 林明薇 | An Integrated Genetic Linkage Analysis Platform |
羅建記 | 張傳雄 | Identification of small RNAs and their regulatory roles in Escherichia coli |
廖莉萍 | 林文昌 | Bioinformatics discovery of rSNP based promoter regulatory motif alterations |
馬誠佑 | 許世宜 | Use Monte Carlo Method to Study the Formation of Amyloid Beta Fibril in Silico |
楊靜佳 | 林照雄 | Identification and characterization of unannotated proteome |
蘇楹媛 | 林明薇 | Develop an Integrated System for Genetic Association Study |
黃亮瑾 | 吳韋納 | Integrative Microarray Analysis – Automatically Search Candidate Network (AutoSCAN) to Discover Perturbed Pathways |
林振慶 | 黃宣誠 | An Essential Core of Protein Interaction Network in Escherichia coli |
李柏毅 | 張傳雄 | Whole genome comparison of human influenza viruses |