Admission for International Students

National Yang-Ming University (YMU) is proud to announce its first Ph.D. program on Biomedical Informatics for international students. With more than 22 faculty members and 100 graduate students, YMU offers the largest and most comprehensive graduate-level program in Biomedical Informatics in this region. Our research focuses on innovative use of information technology in Biomedicine ranging from genome, proteome, phoneme to patients and populations. By translating the discoveries of basic biomedical research to clinical knowledge through informatics, we hope to contribute to a healthier future of mankind.

Our strength

– YMU has been rated as number one in SCI publications (per faculty member) among the universities in the greater China region

– Many financial supports are available specifically for international students

– A wide variety of research projects available from a group of best professors in Taiwan

– English will be the official language for international students

Who should apply

The program invites applications from students whose breadth of academic experience and fitness for the specific field of study suggest the potential for scholarly achievement.

About BMI

About BMI::Introduction

In 1995, the institute of Public Health of Yang-Ming University launched a new sector called Health Informatics in order to focus on medical information processing, data storage and knowledge retrieval technologies used in both medical care services and industrial domains. At first, only master program was offered. The doctoral program was soon started in 1997. Institute of Health Informatics and Decision Making was then formally established in 2000. For studying genes and genomes by using information technology, Institute of Bioinformatics was created in 2003. By the great improvement of bioinformation technology, it became a new international tendency. As a result, YMU (Yang-Ming University) integrated the Institute of Bioinformatics and Institute of Health Informatics and Decision Making to be “Institute of Biomedical Informatics” (BMI) in 2005. Now we have nearly hundred students including master and doctoral programs. This combination is not only interdisciplinary but also cross level.

About BMI::Feature

BMI’s researches touch upon all basic and applied fields in biomedical science. Faculties come from diverse backgrounds with wide ranges of experience and interests are devoted to guide students with their research and have shown outstanding achievements. Students in our institute mainly come from three different backgrounds such as clinical medicine, information science/engineering and management. BMI puts strong emphasis on students’ comprehension of different aspects so that students from clinical background need to take informatics-related courses while others with informatics background need to take health and medicare-related courses. Moreover, each student has to take seminar courses by studying papers related to biomedical informatics . Also, doctoral student may provide intensive guidance to master students.

About BMI::Faculties

About BMI::Curriculum

Credit requirement for doctoral degree

Course name Credit Note

Compulsory Courses

Principles of bioinformatics 3
Advanced bioinformatics 2

Core courses (You have to choose)

Bioinformatics Research Techniques 2
Research in Bioinformatics 1
Teaching Experience in Bioinformatics 1 Before qualify
Bioinformatics consultation 1 Before qualify
Bioinformatics Seminar 1 Every Semester


Advance Thesis Writing 2
Advance Study on HL7 Standard 1
* Ph. D. Students should finished 18 credits for graduating. (Doctoral thesis is not included in this 18 credits)

*The duration of study is 2-7 years for Ph. D. programs.

About BMI::Career Outlook

Our graduates have gone on to very successful careers in biomedical informatics fields. Most of our alumni make effort in industry, health care center, government and academia in Taiwan or throughout the world. Others who would like to pursue further education are also welcomed by many native and overseas institutes.

Admission Info

International Students Admission Fall 2009

Institute of Biomedical Informatics
Degree Recruit Number Application Documents Oral Test/ Interview Written Test Oral Test/ Interview
PhD 4 80% 20% None *For qualified applicants, an interview in person or by phone/Skype will be held in early May, 2008. In addition, for those who will be present in person, please be notified that a 15-minute oral presentation with their own topics (either in English) is required.

Admission Info::Timetable for Fall Semester 2009

Date Schedule of Events
Dec 1, 2008 Apllication opens
Jan 31, 2009 Early application ends
Feb 1~16, 2009 Review Applicants’ documents by individual institutes
Mar 31, 2009 Apllication ends
Apr 1~31, 2009 Review Applicants’ documents by individual institutes
Early May, 2009 Oral exam by individual institutes
June 19, 2008 Notification of Admission

All documents must be received by the National Yang-Ming University from December 1, 2008 to March 31, 2009. Whether admitted or not, application documents will not be returned to the candidates. Late submission of applications will not be accepted. Incomplete Application or application without necessary attachments and articles will not be accepted. Please submit the application materials to the following address:

The Admission Office
Center of International Affairs
National Yang-Ming University
No.155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou District, Taipei City 11221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Admission Info::Admission Requirement

(1) Applicants must conform to the National Yang-Ming University Foreign Student Admission Regulation (Attachment I).

(2) Applicants who have graduated from a college or university recognized by the Ministry of Education, R.O.C.(Taiwan) can apply for admissions. Foreign students with a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apply for master programs; Foreign students with a master’s degree are eligible to apply for Ph. D. programs

Attachment I

National Yang-Ming University Foreign Student Admission Regulation

(The following regulations are about applicant status)

  1. The term “foreign students” as used in these regulations means students who don’t have the R.O.C. nationality, as defined in the Article II ofNationality Act※, neither overseas Chinese nor R.O.C. nationals, who apply to study in Taiwan in accordance with these regulations.
  2. Those who have dual nationality combining the R.O.C. nationality and a foreign nationality may not apply for admission for a period of eight years after the date which their R.O.C. nationality is revoked by approval of the Ministry of the Interior.
  3. Overseas Chinese who is not of R.O.C. nationality may choose to apply either to the universities for foreign student admission, or to the Ministry of Education for overseas Chinese student admission.
  4. Upon completion of the course of study at the school in the R.O.C. for which a foreign student applied, the student’s admission to higher academic levels shall be handled in a manner identical to admissions for local students.
  5. Any foreign student who has been withdrawn from a university or a college after admission may not thereafter apply again for admission under these regulations.
  6. The senior high schools include overseas Taipei schools and schools for overseas Chinese.
  7. Foreign students who graduate from a school for foreign residents located in the R.O.C., or from a bilingual division (program) affiliated with a senior high school in the R.O.C., may use the graduation certificate received from such schools to apply for admission to a university or a college.

※Nationality Act

Article II

A person shall have the nationality of the Republic of China under any of the conditions provided by the following subparagraphs:

  1. His/Her father or mother was a national of the Republic of China when he/she was born.
  2. He/She was born after the death of his/her father or mother, and his/her father/mother was a national of the Republic of China at the time of death.
  3. He/She was born in the territory of the Republic of China, and his/her parents can’t be ascertained or both were stateless persons.
  4. He/She has undergone the nationalization process. Proceeding subparagraph 1 and subparagraph 2 shall also apply to the persons who were minors at the time of the revision and promulgation of this Act.

Admission Info::Application Fee

  1. Application fee: 
Institute Phase I  Screening fee Phase II Test fee
Institute of Biomedical Informatics  No application fee


  1. How to pay the application fee:
    (1) Pay by US dollars: please enclose the check in US dollars with the application.
    (2) Pay by NT dollars: please remit the application fee directly to the university account and enclose a copy of telegram transfer receipt with the application.

Post Office ID: 700
Account: 0002475-0016732
The Admission Office
National Yang-Ming University
Address: No.155, Sec. 2, Linong St., Beitou District, Taipei City 11221, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Admission Info::Application Documents

Required Documents

  1. Declaration Form (please see Form I)
  2. Three copyes of Application from (please see Form II)
  3. Curriculum vitae
  4. Two Letters of recommendation (please see Form VI)
  5. Research Proposal (Please download the format from HERE)
  6. Two photocopies of the graduation certificate from the highest educational institution (with translation to English, if in other languages), two official transcripts obtained from school (with translation to Chinese or English, if in other languages)
    ※Notice: Official transcripts for the Degrees of bachelor AND Master are required to submit.
  7. Certificate of health status within 6 months, which must include test for HIV as required by the Department of Health, R.O.C (Submitting at the time of registration)
  8. Financial statement shows your financial support during the study period. (see Article II, item d )
  9. Other supporting materials required
    • English Language test certificate (GRE or TOFEL)
    • Published thesis
    • Rank Certification
    • Volunteer Activities: Please use Form VII
    • Extracurricular Activities: Please use Form VIII
    • Contest Record: Please use Form IX
    • School Positions Held: Please use From X

Admission Info::After Getting Admission Letter

The Process after Getting Admission Letters

  1. After being notified of admission, students must complete registration procedures before the specified deadlines. Late registration will not be processed.
  2. If any information provided by the student is found untrue or falsified, the student will be denied of admission.
  3. The students must present the original diploma at registration. A notarized copy of English or Chinese translation is required if the original diploma is not in these 2 languages.

The Duration of Study

The duration of study is 1-4 years for master programs and 2-7 years for Ph. D. programs.

Living Info

Living Info:: Location

YMU Located on the hillside of Qilian, northwest of the Taipei Basin, we enjoy a beautiful landscape with plenty of plants and trees; this results in a tranquil environment and peaceful atmosphere. When the night falls, we can see the lights in Taipei and the stars in the sky clearly from here.

Living Info:: Transportation

As we are located on a slope, a shuttle bus runs regularly between our school, Hospital and Shipai MRT Station for the convenience of faculty and students. For local transportation, you can take the Danshui Line of Taipei MRT or city buses (more than 10 routes) to and from our school.(Bus Timetable)

How do you get to National YangMing University from Taoyuan International Airport?

1.By Taxi: Taxies are available at the Taoyuan international Airport around the clock. Airport Taxies charge in accordance with the meter plus a 50% surcharge (highway tolls not included). Typical fare to Taipei is around NT$1,100.

2.Public Transportation:

(1)Getting to Taipei Main Station first from the TaoYuan International Airport By Bus
Six bus companies now provide frequent service between Taoyuan International Airport and Taipei Main Station. They are as follows: Taiwan Bus Corp; Evervoyage; Toward You Air Bus; Fe Go Express; United Highway Bus; Taoyuan Bus Corp.(One-way fares vary from NT$110 to NT$140. Journey time to downtown Taipei is approximately 60 Minutes. )

(2)Getting to NYMU from Taipei Main station By MRT
Take the Danshui Line (Red Line, toward Danshui) to the Shipai Station(about NT$20).  There, you may take the free campus shuttle bus to school, which is just 5 minutes away from the Shipai Station.

Living Info:: Accommodations


There are a series of student dormitory consisting of four male student dormitories, two female student dormitories, and one graduate student dormitory providing a total of 1,600 beds. Each room is equipped with nice facilities and accommodates two to four people. The female student dormitories have door control systems and are regularly patrolled by the University security guards for safety. A new graduate student dormitory is on Qian Street and when completed, it will help by providing 38 graduate student rooms and 4 apartments. This will increase significantly the graduate student on-campus accommodation and offer them a quality living environment.

Share accommodations

In ‘share accommodation’ you live in an apartment with other people. You pay rent for your room and a share of the bills (gas, electricity, telephone and internet).
NYMU’s  General Affairs Division provides a general guideline for finding share accommodations.

Living Info:: Things you have to bring

Before you leave for Taiwan, you should make a list of the things you plan to bring with you.

1. Your important documents
(1)Letter of Acceptance from National Yang-Ming University (NYMU).
(2)The original diploma from a secondary school or a college/university Passport with at least sixmonth.
(3)validation Valid Visa to enter Taiwan-ROC Booked and confirmed plane ticket.

2. Money
Be sure that you bring enough money to cover all your expenses during your stay in Taiwan. You should also prepare a limited amount of cash (no more than NT$10,000) in NT$1,000, NT$500, NT$200 or NT$ 100 bills to cover traveling expenses such as food and transportation to campus from the airport. You can buy currency at the airport and banks.
In addition, International students who have been awarded scholarships by Taiwan’s government in their home country should note that funds are not disbursed at the first month, which is September, due to the administrative processing. They are usually available by the second month. Therefore, we recommend that you also bring enough money to cover tuition and at least 1 month’s expenses. A minimum of US$1,500 or its equivalent is recommended.

3. Clothing, books and other personal items
Bring whatever clothing, books, and other personal items you need to live comfortably, in the style you are used to.
Summer temperatures are between 24.8C (75.8F) and 35.8C (97.8F); winter temperatures range from 8.8C (46.8F) to 20.8C (68.8F). Summer is approximately six months long and winter is approximately three months long. Taipei has numerous shopping centers and discount stores. If you do not have clothes for a particular season, you can shop for them when you get here.

Shoes in some sizes like Europe (38/40) US (8/10) British (10/12) are limited or maybe expensive. Bring some comfortable shoes with you if you have a bigger size.

Personal medical record. Bring the following medical information with you to our office upon your arrival:
Information from your physician on any long-term health problems you have and any on-going
care you may need.
Information on medications you are currently taking.
Information on allergies, and
Information on health insurance if you are covered by a policy in your home country.
You should prepare your prescription medicine – bring a supply with you until you determine availability and price.

Most items are available in Taipei from the various department stores, specialist retailers and supermarkets.

A few things that remind you of home, such as photographs or other items of personal
significance. Remember to bring mailing addresses, phone numbers and email addresses of your family and friends, too.

Electric Current
The electric current in Taiwan is 110V, 60Hz. Check the details of each appliance which you bring with you.

Contact Us

Contact Us

NYMU Academic Affairs Division:

Ms Tina Lu

Institute of Biomedical Informatics:

Ms Leu

Phone: +886-2-28267322