Registration for the 112th Academic Year Freshmen: July 3rd Mon. to July 6th Thu.

Registion Information

Master’s and PhD program freshmen of 112th Academic Year

Registration Time:
2023 July 3rd Monday to July 6th Thursday 9AM-12PM and 2-5PM.

Room 302, 3rd floor, Shouren Building, Yang Ming Campus, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University.

Essential documents for registration:

⦿ “Graduates” or “Recent Graduates” should prepare the following documents:

  1. Original and photocopy of graduation certificate. (For those who have not yet obtained their degree certificate, please fill out the “Affidavit for Degree Certificate Submission for Recent Graduates.”)
  2. Original ID card.

⦿ Applicants with equivalent qualifications should prepare the following documents:

  1. Original transcript of academic records.
  2. Original ID card.