Recruiting information

International Student Admissions Information
Recruiting information

    • Admission information for foreign students:Link
Institute of Biomedical Informatics

  • 90% of courses are taught in Chinese. Various equivalent courses provided by other institutes in English can be chosen after acceptance review before selection of courses.
Phase І — Application and Preliminary Screening (Weight of scores: 70%)
1. Curriculum Vitae (TYPE in English OR Chinese)
2. Two Letters of Recommendation
3. Statement of Purpose (TYPE in English OR Chinese)
– Purpose of study: delineating the reasons for studying in Taiwan.
– Plans of study: stating specific area of interest, and proposed subject of current o future research objectives
– Anticipated results: stating how the intended study will help fulfill personal and scientific goals
4. One copy of the highest-level diploma/certificate (or equivalent academic attainment) AND one copy of transcript issued by the institution (with translations into English or Chinese, if in other languages).
5. Verification of English Proficiency: For international applicants whose native language is not English, TOEFL minimum score above 80(IBT) is required – it must be taken within the past five years.
6. Other supporting materials:

  • Research experience related to Biomedical Informatics
  • Published scientific papers
Phase II – Interview (Weight of scores: 30%)
  • After the preliminary screening, qualified applicants will be informed to attend an interview. At this stage, the interview is proceeded by either an in person oral interview or phone/webcam interview.
  • Please enclose applicants’ Email and contact phone number clearly for the interview.
Institute Website: